Intersolar North America / SEMICON West 2008 Preview

July 14 - 17, 2008, in San Francisco, California USA
While Intersolar North America 2008 ( has its official kickoff on Tuesday, July 15, 2008, the Conference Program begins on Monday, July 14, 2008, per Intersolar North America Details Conference Sessions and Accompanying Programs. Here is the Conference Program Overview.
On Monday, Greentech Media is hosting an all day seminar, Concentrating Solar Technologies and Markets, and the German American Chamber of Commerce is initiating the 1st Solar Symposium (Program).
The Intersolar North America (NA) Exhibition runs from Tuesday through Thursday, July 15 – 17, 2008, located at Moscone Center - West Hall, Level 3. I have not found a detailed exhibitor map, but an online Exhibitor and Product Search tool is available to screen the 210 registered exhibitors. If you have not yet registered, the exhibition only registration fee has increased to $100 at this point.
In the Innovation Exchange Program, exhibitors deliver 30 minute presentations about their new developments, products, or services at Moscone West Hall, Level 3, Alcove 4, per the linked schedules below:
Tuesday, June 15
Wednesday, June 16
Thursday, June 17
During Intersolar NA, additional conference tracks include:
Photovoltaic (A1, A2, A3, A4)
Solar Thermal (B1, B2, B3, B4)
North American Photovoltaic Advanced Manufacturing Technology Conference (Thin Film / Equipment, Bulk Silicon)
Solar Gigawatts
Solar Finance
Solar Materials, Equipment & Technology Conference (SMET) (Thursday)
Building Integrated Technologies and Market Technology Outlook
Basic and Advanced Photovoltaic Workshops
Basic and Advanced Solar Thermal Workshops
Don’t forget about SEMICON West
In Photovoltaic at SEMICON West 2008, SEMICON West 2008 has a webpage to the shared North American Photovoltaic Advanced Manufacturing Technology Conference program. Also, there is a list of over 250 Photovoltaic Exhibitors at SEMICON West 2008.
The SEMI Theater Presents: series located at Moscone West Hall, Level 2, Booth 8241, offers FREE presentations to attendees of SEMICON West (or Intersolar NA I assume). I noticed the following presentations of photovoltaic interest:
Tuesday, July, 15
11:30am – 12:00pm
Refurbishing a Semiconductor Fab into a Solar Cell Production Facility
Dr. Gerhard Tegtmeyer, Dockweiler
1:00pm - 1:30pm
Solar Boom or Solar Hype?
Jim Hines, Gartner
Wednesday, July 16
12:30pm – 1:00pm
PV Group: An Overview of Photovoltaic Activities at SEMI
Bettina Weiss, SEMI
And I might find a way to Meet the Bloggers from Indium Corporation at SEMICON West, Moscone West Hall, Level 1, Booth 7834, from 2:00-3:00pm on Tuesday, July 15, 2008. There are so many conference programs, when does a person have time to visit the exhibition?
Labels: Intersolar, SEMICON
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