SEMICON West 2007 Preview

SEMICON West 2007 Program and Events get underway for five days starting Monday, July 16, 2007, and the Exhibition runs for three days beginning Tuesday, July 17, 2007, at the Moscone Center in
Things solar kickoff on Tuesday, July 17, 2007, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm in the West Hall, Level 2, with the TechXPOT - Emerging Technologies - Nanoelectronic and Nanoenergy Applications featuring David Pearce, President and CEO, Miasolé, with Advances in Flexible Thin-Film Solar Cells. Nanotechnologists may also find this TechXPOT - Emerging Technologies - Nanomaterials and Tools Innovations of interest.
Day Two Keynotes are monopolized by solar with T.J. Rodgers, Chairman, SunPower Corporation, explaining How Silicon Valley is Helping to Solve the Energy Dependence Problem. Rhone Resch, President, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), follows with Solar Energy: The Next Great Growth Opportunity for the Semiconductor Industry. Both keynotes are scheduled from 1:30pm to 3:00pm on Wednesday, July 18, 2007, at Center Stage/West Hall, Level 2.

Then Thursday, July 19, 2007, the TechXPOT - Emerging Technologies - Renewable Energy: Solar and Fuel Cells has twenty (20) minute sessions discussing material and manufacturing innovations from 10:30am to 1:00pm at West Hall, Level 2. Charlie Gay, VP and general manager, Solar Business Group, Applied Materials, leads off with Issues of Going to Gigawatt-scale Solar Manufacturing, followed by competitive counterpart Hans Brändle, Head of Oerlikon Balzers Coating, executive VP Oerlikon, presenting Thin Film Silicon- Key to Photovoltaics. Gaetan Borgers, Director Dow Corning Solar Solutions, bats third, and Nasreen Chopra, Director of Equipment R&D, SunPower Corporation, closes the solar portion of the session by 11:50am.
Solar and Photovoltaic Exhibitors are spread about the exhibition halls with concentrations in the South, North, and West Halls. An online exhibitor search tool can help with crafting your top company list.
If you still want to attend SEMICON West 2007, you can register here. This could be the start of a long lasting Renewable Energy and SEMICON West relationship.
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