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Sunday, December 24, 2006

IIC to merge with Invest in Germany

As mentioned in this holiday greetings news release, IIC wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!, the IIC (Industrial Investment Council) will merge with Invest in Germany to form a single investment promotion agency for Germany. I first wrote about the IIC in Industrial Investment Council (IIC) helps international photovoltaic firms invest in eastern Germany.

On the IIC Photovoltaics page, there are updated Industry Overviews regarding Photovoltaics product and Photovoltaic Tooling manufacturers with production facilities in eastern Germany. These are good scorecards for recent photovoltaic production announcements in Germany.

The Invest in Germany folks were involved in the Invest in Germany - Land of Ideas and Germany – Land of Ideas (Deutschland – Land der Ideen) campaigns featuring supermodel Claudia Schiffer. You can view the placards from the campaign that appeared in London’s Bank Tube station, Tokyo's Otemachi central underground station, and New York’s Grand Central Station or download two Claudia photos here and here. That’s no lump of coal.

While photovoltaics is a sexy, cool, clean, and green =in= industry, a little extra help from Claudia is most welcome!


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